What We Do
Ozarks Teen Challenge provides teen boys ages 13-17 who struggle with trauma, substance use, alcohol, and other behavioral challenges with a comprehensive, Christ-centered residential program. Our services lead to personal, social, academic, physical, mental, and spiritual growth. Students receive individual care through professional teen counseling and journey through our five-phase comprehensive program, which provides mentorship, a customized accredited academic track, leadership training, community service opportunities, physical fitness training, and outdoor skills development.
We believe God has a greater plan for your family. He intends to transform your son into the young man he was created to be. We hope this simple assurance will change your outlook from pain and despair to hope. Your circumstances may be daunting now, but Ozarks Teen Challenge is ready to step in and become an agent of blessing to your family. Talk to our teen rehab center Admissions Team today and see how we can help.
Who We Help
Describing the typical Ozarks Teen Challenge student or family is difficult because each family and teen comes to us with unique needs. Understanding this diversity inspires us to understand and meet these distinctions through individual care and family reconciliation.
Despite their differences, all our families have one thing in common. They love and care for their teens profoundly and want to see them live happy and healthy lives. Our families are willing to make difficult choices to ensure those futures, and we stand ready to help!
Our 9-12 month program is designed to help adolescent boys ages 13-17 who are struggling with life-controlling issues or addictions. Our faith-based programs include structured daily habits, spiritual nurturing, individual and group counseling for drug abuse, and behavioral therapy. Listed below are some of the issues for which we provide teen rehabilitation services.
Measuring Success
Follow-up evaluations are conducted with parents up to five years later (including those whose students did not complete the program), and those evaluations reveal:

Tour Our Campus
Come tour Ozarks Teen Challenge. We are located in Branson West, just outside Branson, MO, Missouri’s only Teen Challenge Adolescent Male Center. Branson has become a popular tourist destination with abundant shows and attractions. With Silver Dollar City (an amusement park), shopping and shows, the lovely Ozark Mountains, and Table Rock Lake. Branson offers something to vacationers of all ages and interests. Despite the accessibility of these attractions, our Teen Challenge rehab center is a quiet retreat off the beaten path. Our 28-bed facility sits on 190 acres of hardwood forest, rugged hiking trails, and graceful pastureland.
Our Admissions Process
Step 2
Complete the formal application
Step 3
Schedule an enrollment date
Our Hope
At Ozarks Teen Challenge, we champion recovery and promote spiritual, mental, and emotional wellness through a Christ-centered discipleship program, academic support, and professional teenage counseling. Our services are for both struggling teens and their families.
It’s essential to our team that Christian troubled youth program participants receive professional, individualized care. We are equipped with accreditation, certifications, and licensures, but our ultimate desire for your struggling teen is communion with the God of transformation.
This hope is fundamental because deep, lasting change comes through a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. We don’t want to “fix” your son. We want him to experience a life-changing relationship with God. While we are intentional with our care plans for each participant, we know that Jesus is the One who transforms both minds and hearts.
Our Covenant
Our Staff
Meet the dedicated recovery and therapeutic care staff of Ozarks Teen Challenge.