• A teacher taking attendance and looking at an empty desk

    What is Truancy in School? Here’s What Parents Need to Know

    As a parent, there’s nothing more distressing than [...]

  • two underage teen boys drinking alcohol

    Our Daily Bread: Aren’t We All Addicts?

    Written for Our Daily Bread by Mitchell Easter, [...]

  • Long-Term Christian Program for Teens

    A long-term Christian program can provide transformative support [...]

  • Outdoor Activities for Teen Recovery

    Engaging in outdoor activities can have a positive [...]

  • Embracing Hope and Healing: The Journey of Long-Term Teen Christian Recovery

    Introduction The teenage years can be a time [...]

  • 10 Ways Longterm Recovery can Help Teen Depression

    Ozarks Teen Challenge offers comprehensive support to individuals, [...]

  • The Consequences of Over-Enabling: Nurturing Independence in Children

    Introduction Parenting is a complex journey filled with [...]

  • Combining Healing and Adventure: Teen Recovery Programs Near Branson and Vacation Opportunities

    About Branson The journey to recovery for teenagers [...]

  • prayer-at-our boys boarding school

    Navigating the Path to Christian Teen Recovery: Hope, Healing, and Faith

    Introduction The teenage years can be a challenging [...]

  • How Strong Family Relationships Provide Support for Troubled Teens

    The teen years come with their fair share [...]

  • Worried About Your Troubled Teen? 5 Ways to Keep an Eye on Them

    The problems and temptations facing today's youth are [...]

  • Sad woman hugging her husband

    Understanding Addiction

    To help get a better understanding of addiction, [...]

  • 3 Under the Radar Addictions That Impact Teens the Hardest

    There is a myriad of useful information out [...]

  • Finding Support

    Addiction always negatively affects the addict, but it [...]

  • Why Teen Alcohol Use Needs to Be Addressed Now

    As the most common form of substance abuse [...]

  • Warning Signs Of Addiction

    Addiction is a thief of joy. Teenagers are [...]

  • Rebuilding Trust

    Rebuilding trust in relationships is a simple process, [...]

  • Is There a Cure for Addiction?

    One of the biggest misconceptions people have about [...]

  • Common Behavioral Addictions

    Addiction is usually associated with a dependence on [...]

  • The Science of Addiction

    Addiction is often misunderstood. Many people still assume [...]

  • Ways to Bond and Reconnect with Your Teen After Rehab

    When your teen gets back from rehab, they [...]

  • Teen Pointing at Parent

    Is Their Addiction My Fault? The Importance of Not Placing Blame

    When faced with a teen addiction, it’s easy [...]

  • Teen Resisting Peer Pressure

    Dealing with Peer Pressure

    It’s inevitable that your teen will probably face [...]

  • Discouraged parent

    Parents: Why It’s Important to Not Get Discouraged

    Watching your teen struggle with addiction can be [...]

  • Teen talking to a therapist

    Drug Abuse and Mental Health

    Addiction is hard enough to deal with on [...]

  • Teenager reading book

    Ways to Prevent a Relapse

    How to Prevent Relapsing For an addict, the [...]

  • Family having an intervention

    When Should You Stage an Intervention?

    Is It Time for an Intervention? Sometimes, a [...]

  • Teenager struggling

    Being There for an Addict

    How to Be There for Someone Struggling with [...]

  • Parent talking to teen

    The Importance of Choosing a Good Teen Rehab Program

    Why It’s Important to Choose the Right Teen [...]

  • Young man being tutored

    One-On-One Tutoring for Christian Boarding Schools

    The Importance of One-On-One Tutoring for Christian Boarding [...]

  • Young man with a group of friends

    Here Is How A Boys Boarding School Different From Public School

    How Is A Boys Boarding School Different From [...]

  • Sad woman hugging her husband

    Four Encouragements For Parents From Ozarks Teen Challenge

    Ozarks Teen Challenge: Four Encouragements For Parents As [...]

  • Young man in therapy

    When Is Behavioral Therapy The Right Option

    When Is Behavioral Therapy The Right Treatment Option [...]

  • Group of teenagers talking

    How Youth Programs Can Help With Depression

    How Youth Programs Can Help Your Teen Battle [...]

  • Man talking with his son

    Why Accountability Is So Important For Teen Rehab

    The Importance Of Accountability With Teen Rehab The [...]

  • Why a Christian Boys Boarding School is Beneficial for Your Child’s Development

    Benefits of a Boys Boarding School for Child [...]

  • Are Boarding Schools with Rehab Treatments the Real Deal?

    Do Boarding Schools with Rehab Treatments Really Work? [...]

  • Improve Your Teen’s Confidence with Ozark’s Teen Challenge Youth Programs

    How Youth Programs Can Build Confidence in Teens [...]

  • Depressed teen Ozarks Teen Challenge

    Ozarks Teen Challenge: The Mental Effects of Casual Drug Use

    Ozarks Teen Challenge On the Mental Effects of [...]

  • Teens in drug treatment

    Debunking the Myths of Drug Treatment

    Ozarks Teen Challenge Debunks Drug Treatment Myths Drug [...]

  • Boys Boarding School classroom

    Making the Transition to a Boys’ Boarding School

    Transitioning from Traditional Schooling to a Boys’ Boarding [...]

  • Praying during drug treatment

    The Importance of Faith During Drug Treatment

    Drug Treatment: Why We Value Faith At Ozarks [...]

  • Family with Teen after Behavioral Therapy

    Making Amends with Family After Behavioral Therapy

    Behavioral Therapy: Making Amends with Family and Friends [...]

  • Coach giving a teen rehab through mentorship

    Helping Your Teen’s Rehab Through Mentorship

    Teen Rehab: Finding a Mentor for Your Son [...]

  • teen undergoes withdrawal symptoms

    Drug Treatment: How to Deal With Withdrawal

    Dealing with Withdrawals During Drug Treatment Withdrawal symptoms [...]

  • Teenager battling withdrawals in a drug treatment program

    The Stages of Withdrawal During Drug Treatment

    The Stages of Withdrawal During Drug Treatment The [...]

  • Young Boy Needs Boys Boarding School for Drug Use

    Is Boarding School Right for Your Son?

    4 Signs That Your Son Might Need Boys [...]

  • teenager prays in teen rehab

    Teen Rehab: Importance of Reflection for Recovery

    Importance of Reflection for Recovery in Teen Rehab [...]

  • teen performs daily routine as part of drug treatment

    Drug Treatment: Importance of a Routine

    Importance of Routines for Drug Treatment at Ozarks [...]

  • Father talks to son about drug treatment

    Drug Treatment: How to Talk to Your Teen About Addiction

    Tips for Starting Drug Treatment by Talking to [...]