It may be time to consider behavioral therapy.

Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate serious behavioral issues and addiction from the normal struggles a teen boy experiences from time to time. As a parent, it’s normal to be unsure about the severity of your son’s struggles and although no one can tell you when it’s time to admit him to a boys boarding school with rehab treatment, there are a few warning signs to look out for. If you find your son is displaying one or more of the following behaviors, you may want to consider the need for behavioral therapy or teen rehab at a youth program like Ozarks Teen Challenge.

Extreme changes in sleep and eating habits

Is your teen avoiding mealtime completely and rapidly losing weight? Or maybe he’s sleeping for very long periods of time and neglecting his usual hobbies, classes and social activities. Extreme changes in sleep and eating patterns can often be a sign of a deeper underlying issue. Whether it’s depression, a pornography addiction or drug abuse, there’s a good chance something serious is going on that needs to be addressed.

Consistent lying

No one is exempt from telling a lie every once in awhile but consistent lying is a telltale sign that your teen is up to something he doesn’t want you to know about. If you are continually catching your teen in a lie, he might be trying to hide certain behaviors or actions from you. Behavioral therapy through programs for troubled teens can help your teen face those behaviors or addictions and develop strategies to combat future temptation.

Severe personality changes

The teenage years are a time of personal growth and exploration but severe personality changes are definitely a red flag. If your teen has recently begun hanging out in a new social circle and suddenly begins to act unlike himself, this may be a sign that he’s hanging out with the wrong crowd.  Sudden and dramatic changes in clothing and hairstyles may also accompany these personality changes as a result of peer pressure, abusive relationships or a dangerous group of friends.


If you discover that your son has been hurting himself, some kind of personal or group counseling or behavioral therapy is very necessary. He may be experiencing pain and confusion due to feelings of depression, self-loathing, drug abuse or addiction, but self-harm commonly leads to violence toward others or suicidal tendencies and should be dealt with immediately.


Does your teen spend more time alone that he does with his peers or his family? Purposeful isolation often means a teen is struggling with addiction or drug abuse. Many teens isolate themselves in response to feelings of guilt or shame or simply to separate themselves from the people they feel may  be a threat to their current behaviors. Behavioral therapy in a group setting like a Christian boarding school can help eliminate tendencies to seek isolation.

Missing money

Are twenty and fifty dollar bills suddenly going missing from your wallet? Or is your son’s bank account balance diminishing too quickly? If your teenage son is spending large amounts of money, there is a good chance he may be buying drugs. On the same note, if your teen suddenly accumulates large sums of money, he may be dealing drugs as well. Don’t take this behavior lightly and do your best to get to the bottom of it.

Complete disregard for authority

“Boys will be boys” should not be an excuse for a complete disregard for authority.  Behavioral therapy may be needed if your son is causing trouble at school, church and home by neglecting to acknowledge and respect authority figures or rules. This type of behavior is not only personally damaging, but it can have a huge effect on your household as well.

If you think it’s time to consider a behavioral therapy program, contact Ozarks Teen Challenge today. Our Christian boarding school offers a teen rehab program that incorporates personal and group discipleship/mentoring, wilderness therapy programs, life skills learning, team-building activities and a Christ-centered culture created by dedicated staff members. Each troubled teen we take in, we treat just as we would our own children. When you’re ready, we are waiting to talk with you about the hope and life transformation your son can find here at Ozarks Teen Challenge.

Ozarks Teen Challenge

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