4 Signs That Your Son Might Need Boys Boarding School

Knowing the right time to send your son to a boys boarding school is a difficult decision for your family. However, some situations require immediate action for your son and families benefit.  Changes in your son’s behavior can be subtle so keep an eye out for these changes to get an idea when intervention is needed.

#1 – Changes in Sleeping and Eating Patterns

One of the most likely signs that something is bothering your son is a major or sudden change in his sleeping schedule or eating pattern. Now it is important to be mindful that sometimes these changes can be hormonal or just a result of physiological changes. However sudden changes that accompany other behavioral changes can be a sign of depression. A boys boarding school may be the solution to your son’s problems. Sometimes a change of scenery is needed to help nip behavioral issues in the bud.

#2 – Sudden Change to His Circle of Friends

One of the most impactful influences on your son is his social group. An early sign that he may be succumbing to negative influence is a change in his friend group. New friends are not necessarily a bad thing, but it is important to learn about the behavior of this new group. It can be a good idea to discuss their behavior with other parents. It is very likely that how the behavior your son’s friend show is very similar to your son’s when you are not around. If they are experimenting with drugs or sex, your son is likely experimenting as well. A boys boarding school can remove your son from those who would negatively influence him.

#3 – Decline in School Attendance

Truancy and tardiness for school and after-school activities is a sign that your son is involved in activities that they want to hide from you. Oftentimes teenagers will use school or activity attendance as a cover for illicit or immoral activities. As school and afterschool programs are the times when you expect them to be away, some children take advantage of this unsupervised time to experiment with drugs. As many children have learned to forge signatures to avoid parents becoming aware of trouble at school, it can be a good idea to show initiative and contact the school to check on their attendance and performance. Otherwise, boys boarding school offers a much more closely monitored environment where your son’s behavior is of utmost importance to our staff.

#4 – Withdraw from Family Activities and Increased Isolation

While it is normal for teens to develop their own interests and begin to see their parents as “uncool”, sudden and large changes to interests in family activities can be an indicator that your son may be experiencing pressure to rebel. This can be from peers who think that rebellion from their parents is cool. They may also be trying to hide something from you, children know that the easiest way to avoid getting in trouble when they have done wrong is to keep you from finding out. Again, withdraw is a common behavior as teenagers grow up, but when you first notice this behavior try to open lines of communication with your child. They may be having a difficult time and need your help to figure out complex issues they are dealing with. As always it is important to try to be available and supportive.

Is Boys Boarding School the Solution Your Son Needs?

If you have questions about our programs at Ozarks Teen Challenge Boys Academy, or if you think it might be time to set your son on a path back to God, contact Ozarks Teen Challenge today at 417-272-3784 or on our website.

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