Dealing with Withdrawals During Drug Treatment

Withdrawal symptoms commonly arise at the beginning of a drug treatment program. Many teens who come take the Ozarks Teen Challenge experience some kinds of symptoms – regardless of whether they had been addicted to drugs, alcohol, or simply poor lifestyle habits.

While withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the substance or habits the person may have been abusing, there are some general symptoms that many of them share. Here we discuss a few symptoms a person entering drug treatment or a troubled boys boarding school can expect to experience. After all, being aware of what to expect can help to make the process of getting over an addiction much easier. We will also discuss options for dealing with the difficult feelings your teen may experience when they become separated from their addiction at Ozarks Teen Challenge.


As we stated before, certain drugs or bad habits will present certain specific withdrawal symptoms. These vary from substance to substance, so this is a list of general symptoms which apply to them all. It’s important to identify withdrawal symptoms for what they are because it can help to deal with them as they arise. They are simply part of the process of healing even though they are difficult.

Common symptoms you could expect to experience when entering a drug treatment program are:

  • Feelings of irritability and urgency, a lack of patience
  • Heightened anxiety over regular events, depression
  • Trouble falling asleep, trouble sleeping all night
  • Clamminess or sweating, chills
  • Fluctuations in appetite

The danger of these symptoms is that they can very quickly lead to relapse. Fortunately, teens enrolled at Ozarks Teen Challenge will be surrounded by devoted and caring friends and staff who will motivate them to pursue their own drug treatment and recovery.

Dealing With Symptoms

There are many constructive ways to deal with symptoms. It is important to recognize that part of the withdrawal process involves the body removing whatever chemical a person may have been addicted to, and one of the best ways to facilitate that is to keep yourself occupied. Allowing the withdrawal symptoms to keep a person in bed and avoid social situations will increase the likelihood of a relapse. Here are some active and constructive ways to deal with withdrawals during drug treatment:

  • Engage in activities such as team sports or yoga. Team sports will foster involvement with peers, while yoga can help some people to cultivate an inner awareness that helps motivate them to give up their addiction.
  • Know what to expect. By knowing a bit about the process, a person can make more sense of their feelings when things get bad, making it easier to cope rather than returning to the substance again.
  • Have a network of supportive friends and family. By connecting with others and expressing your desire to get better, you can build a network of people who are interested in your success.

At Ozarks Teen Challenge, we make sure that teens are prepared to deal with their struggles by providing them with a tightly-knit support system of their mentors and peers while also giving them a regular routine to keep them occupied. A typical day at Ozarks Teen Challenge will involve socializing, physical activity, worship, and educational instruction.

Ozarks Teen Challenge: Drug Treatment & Education Program

Ozarks Teen Challenge offers families in the Ozarks an opportunity to live free from the ills of addiction. By giving teenage boys a place to practice devotion while receiving an education, Ozarks Teen Challenge lets families begin the healing process. Give us a call today if your teen needs a way out from addiction.

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