Healthy relationships in our teen therapy program encourage lifelong change.

For some teens, past peer relationships may have been controlling, manipulative and emotionally or physically abusive. The isolation that results from these kinds of relationships can be emotionally debilitating and leaves a teen unable or unwilling to see what a positive peer relationship or mentorship looks like. As a parent, this is a difficult thing to swallow, especially if you are doing everything you can to be that healthy relationship for him. Don’t blame yourself for this! Know there is still hope for your son to learn how to foster those healthy relationships with Ozark Teen Challenge’s faith based teen therapy program.

Traits of unhealthy and healthy relationships

Sometimes it’s difficult to recognize when a relationship is unhealthy, but there are recognizable traits that serve as warning signs. Some of the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship include:

  1. feeling pressured to change who you are
  2. having your personal value depreciated/ being belittled
  3. consistent name calling
  4. lack of respect and privacy
  5. being isolated from other friends and family

So what does a healthy relationship look like? Of course, no relationship is perfect but the way in which problems are handled can make all the difference. Traits of a healthy relationship include:

  1. making time for each other
  2. open communication and honesty
  3. mutual respect
  4. maintaining relationships with other friends and family
  5. taking an interest in getting to know one another and graciously accepting flaws and mistakes
  6. working to resolve conflicts and repair past damage

Overcoming the fear of getting close

Opening up to a new friendship or mentorship can be really scary. Oftentimes our own fears of rejection hold us back from ever creating those communal bonds and we never learn how to cultivate those relationships. Unfortunately, human relationships are imperfect and getting hurt is inevitable. No one wants to voluntarily open themselves up to hurt but our teen therapy program can help your son recognize that the lasting benefits of God-centered community far outweigh the pain that sometimes comes with knowing someone on a deeper level. While men especially, can sometimes have trouble showing love and affection, learning how to build relationships means recognizing that selflessly caring for another individual isn’t a sign of weakness — it is bold and courageous.

Building relationships at Ozarks Teen Challenge

At Ozarks Teen Challenge troubled teens learn how to build healthy relationships in a variety of ways:

Individual mentoring: The teen therapy program staff are intentional about seeking out teens on an everyday basis, seizing the God-given opportunities to share wisdom, love, and hope. Students meet with their mentor and parent contact bi-weekly, as well as a drug and alcohol counselor on a scheduled monthly basis.  Mentorship is a living thing at Ozarks Teen Challenge with all staff members willing and able to step in and mentor students as they see a need or a teaching moment.

Discipleship classes: Each teen will participate in group discipleship classes four times a week in phase 1 of our teen therapy program and then weekly in phases 2-5. womens health. This portion of our teen therapy program really encourages young men to dive deeper into their relationship with Christ as well as those around them.

Mission trips: Ozarks Teen Challenge offers young men the opportunity to serve the community around them, which in turn fosters personal growth, confidence in their faith, and gives them a chance to open up and share their testimony with those around them.

Servant leadership projects: Volunteerism opportunities help teens see that there’s more to life than the selfishness that can easily consume someone. In engaging in the community around them, young men learn the value of giving themselves and their time to serve alongside one another.

Team-based wilderness therapy: With recreational sports, hiking and camping trips, team marathon runs and more, teens will be challenged both emotionally and physically as they work together and succeed together.

Rebuilding Family Connections:  Addiction and defiance can tear apart families and personal relationships.  During our program parents and teens are coached on how to reconnect in a healthy way with solid boundaries during schedule family visits and teachings.

Through our teen therapy program, your son will not only build those valuable and lifelong relationships, but he will begin to seek out reconciliation, set healthy boundaries for his life and develop healthy bonds with his peers and mentors.

Interested in learning more about our program for troubled teens? Read more about wilderness therapy or our discipleship classes and mentoring.

Ozarks Teen Challenge

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