More than 7.125 billion people inhabit the earth. And with more than 5,000 different ethnic groups, it’s easy to see why there are so many conflicts due to differences in beliefs, cultures, and lifestyles. But there is one thing we all share, despite our differences: finding our purpose in life.

Uncovering the meaning of life drives so many of our decisions. From choosing career paths and spouses, to the ways in which we spend our money and time. But finding our identity or personal value isn’t always easy for everyone. For example, a young teen boy who has grown up bouncing from foster home to foster home may wonder why his birth parents decided to give him up. “Was something wrong with me?” “Why would my own parents reject me?” “If I could just get out of here and be successful then one day I’ll be worth something.”  Thoughts like these can consume someone to the point of self destruction.

We will never find our personal value and purpose in how much money we make, how outwardly beautiful we are, or in other people. Our identity can only be found in Jesus Christ and the restorative grace He has freely given us.

In Ephesians 2:10, God describes us as His masterpiece. If we can learn to see ourselves the way God sees us, we can learn to love as he does: selflessly, graciously, and with patience. All 7.125 billion people on this earth are beautiful works of art that have been fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and once we choose to understand God’s love for us, we will finally see that our identity can only be found in Christ alone.

Finding personal value is the first step for troubled teens pursuing a faith based recovery at Ozarks Teen Challenge. Our teen therapy program incorporates a 5-phase system that begins with helping your teen understand his personal value and God’s purpose for his life. In doing so, he will begin to take responsibility for his actions and learn to face deeply buried or concealed emotions and manage them in a healthy way.  Why? Because all of us guard, protect, and care for that which we value.  By finding their value in Christ, our teens are able to find the motivation and strength for change.

Our teen therapy program has proven that finding personal value through a relationship with Christ can yield lifelong results — not just temporary ones. This process is truly transformative and requires the surrendering of former self and the development of self restraint, personal discipline, and a strong worth ethic.

Troubled teens in our teen therapy program will also have the opportunity to connect with a community while discovering their self worth, which in turn, strengthens and empowers those relationships and creates a sense of trust among the students and staff at Ozarks Teen Challenge.

Contact us today for more information about our faith based teen therapy program and our school for troubled teens.

Have you made the decision to enroll your son but aren’t sure of the right time? Read our blog and testimony from an Ozarks Teen Challenge parent with tips and advice on when to enroll a student.

Ozarks Teen Challenge

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