Preparing Your Son for a Boys Boarding School

If you and your family have reached the decision to send your son to a boys boarding school, you might find yourself suddenly overwhelmed with new things to consider before they go. Whether this is a mutual decision or the result of an intervention for your troubled teen, Ozarks Teen Challenge can offer some useful, universal advice for making this transition.

Explain Why

However the decision was reached, it’s important for your teen to know why spending time at a boys boarding school is the best decision for them. If you’re reading our blog, chances are you’ve come to this decision due to their problems with alcohol or substance abuse as well as the related, damaging behaviors that come with them.

You need to explain how and why his behavior led you to the idea of a boys boarding school and to Ozarks Teen Challenge. You might well be angry at him, but it’s important to stay calm. Yelling accusations, however true they may be, will give him more to push back against, make you seem irrational, and make him less willing to understand.

Talk It Through

Once you’ve explained your reasoning, and if you can comfortably and safely do it, you should talk it through. If you’ve decided he needs to spend time at a boys boarding school because of his habits and actions, you should also make it clear that it isn’t a choice – but it’s not a punishment, either. Make sure that he understands you want to help.

You should also listen to him. Even if he’s upset, angry or insulting, you can identify where the real concern about the idea is through the fog of his initial reaction. He’s likely scared, and probably feels persecuted, singled out, or that he’ll be isolated. The important thing here is not just to explain your reasoning but listen to his responses, too.

Set Expectations

You and your teenage son will need to set some expectations for their stay at a boys boarding school. In looking into organizations like Ozark Teen Challenge, you should already have a good idea of the work we do and what you can expect. Go through these expectations with them, as this might well help to make the idea seem less intimidating.

You should also set some expectations for yourself. Be prepared for resistance when you first bring it up as well as when it comes time for him to actually go and be ready to communicate in detail with the staff who will be working with him. You can also talk to Ozarks Teen Challenge about the expectations you should both keep in mind.

Get Things Organized

On a more practical note, everything is easier if you get organized first. If you and your teen can come to an agreement, then help them get packed and ready. This can offer an unexpected bonding opportunity that will offer a good foundation for their stay at a boys boarding school. Plan what they pack and take part in the preparations.

Teen Challenge Boys Boarding Schools

The team at Ozarks Teen Challenge has a lot of experience in dealing with troubled teens, and we know how difficult it can be for both the teenagers and their families when the decision is made to intervene in their damaging lifestyle. You can be assured that, through our guidance, your teenage son can reconnect with their Lord and be put back on the right path. We can help you walk through these steps. We have an experienced team of

Ozarks Teen Challenge

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