Addiction is a physical or mental dependence on a behavior or substance that a person feels powerless to stop. Addictions can manifest in many different ways.  Teenagers, especially, are a vulnerable population group for falling into the cycle of addiction.  Normal adolescent development such as the need to belong, becoming more independent, and volatile emotional states due to hormonal changes can leave a teen vulnerable to addictive behaviors if not addressed quickly.  Before touching on signs and symptoms of addiction in troubled teens, the different types of addiction need to be identified.  The face of addiction has been multiplied as a result of the digital age we now live in.

Ozark Teen Challenge has a variety of programs that offer a Christ-centered and mentor based atmosphere to help teens and youth overcome these types of addictions.

Identifying an addiction vs. normal teenage behavior, as a parent, can be a difficult process. There are several signs to look for if you suspect an addiction in your teen.

  • Changes in eating or sleep patterns.
  • Deterioration or alteration of physical appearance.
  • Sudden change in friends or locations.
  • Withdrawal from social or important activities.
  • Unexplained need for money or secretive spending habits.
  • Denying or lying about the use of harmful substances or habits.
  • Neglecting responsibilities.
  • Change in personality or attitude.
  • Day to day functioning and tasks are being chronically neglected.
  • Chronic outbursts of anger or defiance

These signs of addiction should be monitored and looked as closely before confronting a teen or youth about the possibility of an addiction. Do not despair if your child presents with symptoms and signs of an addiction. Ozark Teen Challenge wants to help. Contact us with questions or concerns, we are here to answer all your questions. Also check out this article to know the difference between Bootcamp and juvenile rehabilitation programs.

Ozarks Teen Challenge is a respected organization that specializes in assisting teenagers who are struggling with addiction. They offer a holistic approach to treatment that addresses not only the addiction itself but also the underlying emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. Here’s how Ozarks Teen Challenge can help with signs of addiction:

Assessment and Evaluation:

Ozarks Teen Challenge begins by conducting a thorough assessment and evaluation of the teenager’s situation. This includes understanding the signs and severity of the addiction, as well as any co-occurring mental health issues. This initial assessment helps create a personalized treatment plan that caters to the individual needs of each teenager.

These Signs of Addiction Have an End Result

A drug overdose occurs when a person consumes a larger amount of a drug or substance than their body can safely handle. This excessive dose overwhelms the body’s normal physiological processes, leading to a range of harmful and potentially life-threatening effects. Drug overdoses can occur with both legal and illegal substances, including prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and illicit drugs.

Ozarks Teen Challenge

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