Ozarks Boys Academy has partnered with Acellus to provide a top-notch, fully accredited educational experience.
Our academy allows students to graduate with a diploma from an accredited online school. Each student has access to self-paced courses, engaging video lessons, and personalized instruction. The academy offers two different graduation pathways: standard and honors.
To meet graduation requirements, students can select from an expansive list of courses. In addition to core subjects, like math, language arts, and science, students can select electives that they find interesting, which allows them to experiment with subjects tailored to specific career fields.

This online high school prepares students for success after graduation, whether they choose to attend college or pursue a career. If your son does not graduate from high school while at Ozarks Teen Challenge, credits can be transferable to any public or private school after program completion. Students can also choose to continue with Acellus after completing the Ozarks Teen Challenge program if desired.
Ozarks Boys Academy provides program participants an academic administrator to provide one-on-one tutoring and to ensure your troubled teen boy has the resources they need to succeed in school.
Missions & Service Trips
Missions & service trips are additional opportunities that we make available to our students. Neither of these opportunities are requirements for graduation from Ozarks Teen Challenge, but they are highly beneficial to the teens who have the opportunity and desire to participate in them. We recommend that our families consider their teen’s participation as an added opportunity for growth.

Missions Trips
One to two times a year, we provide small groups of students opportunities to go on missions trips. We have gone to places overseas, such as Haiti, to support international Teen Challenge centers. As well as, locations here in the United States: West Virginia, California, & New York to name a few.
Our missions trips provide our teens the opportunity to move from the selfishness that addiction breeds, to service and selfless acts of kindness towards others. By allowing our students to serve others through working on special projects and sharing their personal testimonies, they are emboldened in their personal confidence and in their faith.
Service Trips
Service trips take place all throughout the year and offer the chance for students to take a step back from their own needs to focus on helping those around them. As they build their relationship with the Lord, they learn that we are to serve others as Christ served us as found in Matthew 20:28, “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”. These service trips have proven to be a great time of spiritual and emotional growth for our students, and many have returned with a sense of contentment, knowing they have impacted the lives of others.
Trips are taken in many areas in the surrounding communities. Some of the service trips have included partnering with local churches to prepare for large events, offering help to Convoy of Hope and assisting families during their move into a different home.

Academy FAQ’s
Reach Out Today
At Ozarks Teen Challenge, students receive the support they need to succeed, with access to self-paced courses, engaging video lessons, in-person tutoring, and personalized instruction. If you’re a parent who wants to put your teen on the right educational track at our Missouri boarding school, contact us today to learn more about our program and how we can help your son achieve academic success.