Our Approach to Helping Your Teen
Ozarks Teen Challenge is a 3-month and 9- to 12-month residential Christian drug and behavioral rehabilitation center that recognizes the unique needs of each teen. Every aspect of our troubled teen program: the structure of his day, individualized academic & discipleship tracts, recreational therapy, leadership training, & life skills projects are developed with intentionality, focusing upon your son’s personal growth and development.
Our 5 Phase System for Teen Therapy focuses your teen’s time with us on discipleship and personal growth on every developmental level. We provide treatment for drug and substance abuse, behavioral problems, sexual addiction, and many other life controlling issues.
Our 5-Phase System For Teen Therapy
Our Christ-centered residential 5-phase approach is designed to provide a safe and supportive environment for teens who are struggling with substance or alcohol addiction, sexual addiction, behavioral issues such as defiance, or other life challenges. The program for troubled teens integrates faith with evidence-based best practices and provides encouragement, accountability, and a community of peers. With nearly a decade of success with this model, we are confident that your son will find renewed hope and healing through this 5-phase journey.
As teens graduate from one phase to the next, they are rewarded with more privileges and responsibilities, empowering them for the final transition home. Our Five-Phase System for teen therapy is not a static formula that is applied to each of our teens in the same way. Instead, our phases provide a framework of developmental goals that allow us to tailor each teen’s journey to meet their unique needs while achieving important developmental milestones.

A Typical Day In Our Program
At Ozarks Teen Challenge, our teen rehab program for boys is one that utilizes a highly structured schedule. Your troubled teen will find comfort in the regularity of a set schedule and clear expectations. Your boy will cultivate personal responsibility, punctuality, consistency, and dependability. The development of these traits is encouraged through the establishment of daily chores such as: making their beds, cleaning their closets and hanging clothes properly. Read on to discover what everyday life will look like for your son should he be enrolled in our teen program.
6:00 am
Worship Area Open For Prayer
7:00 am
Official Wake Up
7:30 am
Morning Devotions & Prayer
8:00 am
Breakfast (Every meal is freshly prepared on site)
8:30 am
Cleanup & Chores
9:00 am
Ozark Boys Academy 1st Session
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
Cleanup & Chores
1:00 pm
Group & Personal Discipleship Classes
2:45 pm
Recreation Therapy
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
Cleanup & Chores
6:30 pm
Free Session (Students may choose from a variety of activities to enjoy & relax)
7:30 pm
Ozark Boys Academy 2nd Session & Parent Phone Calls
9:00 pm
Prep Time For Lights Out
9:30 pm
Lights Out
Our Program Features
Through our life skills programs for troubled teens, students soon learn to recognize what needs to be accomplished and to focus on the task at hand. Our life skills training and projects provide an excellent opportunity for your teen to learn teamwork, communication and personal responsibility. Ozarks Teen Challenge features many projects throughout the year at our teenage rehabilitation center to help reinforce these principles.
Family Involvement
Ozarks Teen Challenge recognizes that parent and family involvement is key to the continued success of our students. Destructive behaviors affect the entire family. We strive to facilitate family reconciliation, healing, and forgiveness as your loved one moves through his program. This is accomplished through regular communication, parent weekends, a structured visit schedule, and by involving families throughout the teen rehab program.

Parental Communication
Ozarks Teen Challenge strives to keep families informed of every aspect of their student’s progress and care by providing:
Pass Schedule
Passes are privileges that students earn as they move through their program. These passes aid students and families in the reconciliation process as our students begin to demonstrate responsible choices and personal growth.

Family Weekends
Family weekends are designed for families to reconnect and work together. We host a formal family weekend once every two months to correspond with our students’ pass schedules.
During these weekends, you can expect family educational programming and worship services, as well as time to discuss issues and share growth experiences as a family.
Ultimately, Ozarks Teen Challenge success rate is seen most clearly through the faces and testimonies of our students and families themselves.
Josh’s Testimony
Pierce’s Testimony
Get Started Today
Our 5 phases of growth are designed to provide the right structure and accountability to help young men excel and take personal responsibility.
We understand that it can be difficult to maintain this level of care for working parents or a single parent when their teen is at home. This season can be stressful, but our team is ready to provide the necessary support and guidance to help your teen on their journey toward maturity and healing.
Contact us today to start the enrollment process.