The Role of Discipleship and Mentoring in Our Teen Challenge Program

Your son won’t face this teen challenge alone.

Think back on your adolescent years for a moment. Who were the people who mentored you? Did you have someone that invested in you and ultimately changed your life? Many of us do have a person like that and often times, that relationship is one that will carry on for a lifetime. With the discipleship and mentoring aspects of our teen challenge, we hope to instill a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ while creating study habits and a mentorship that changes lives.

Why is discipleship and mentoring so important?

As a faith-based organization, Ozarks Teen Challenge views discipleship and mentoring as an essential aspect to full recovery with far-reaching benefits that begin with a relationship with Christ. Although it doesn’t specifically mention “mentoring,” the Bible portrays a number of healthy mentoring relationships throughout its pages. Peter and Paul mentored their fellow Christians and taught them what it meant to be a follower of Christ just as Jesus mentored his disciples during his time here on earth. A personal and intentional relationship that honors God is a great way to foster mutual sharing, trust and spiritual growth.

How is it implemented at Ozarks Teen Challenge?

At Ozarks Teen Challenge, we implement mentoring and discipleship with a 5-phase system that incorporates personal and group discipleship classes and one-on-one mentoring. Throughout his progression of the teen challenge, your son will attend group discipleship classes five days a week. Phase one includes classes that focus on spiritual formation, apologetics, basic questions on faith and salvation. In learning about the unrelenting love of Christ and the basic foundations of Christianity, teens will be encouraged to realize their self worth and gain the motivation to overcome life challenges and live a Christ-centered life. Phases two through five include personal discipleship classes that involve individualized reading assignments, journaling, memorization and meetings with our Discipleship Coordinator. These phases don’t look the same for every teen, as each individual has different needs.

Who will be doing the mentoring?

Our experienced staff will serve as mentors for the teens at Ozarks Teen Challenge. They are invested in each and every teen that steps foot on our property and serves as a trusted model and listener. Teens meet with parent contacts, who keep the families informed while mediating healthy family relationships, as well as a licensed, certified or associate drug and alcohol counselor. Some of our dedicated staff have even been in the shoes of the teens who come through our program and have graduated to later become staff members and counselors. All of these intentional relationships provide the necessary healing to move past difficult issues and encourage spiritual healing that can be found in the word of God.

What is the ultimate goal?

The ultimate goal of mentoring and discipleship in our teen challenge is to promote spiritual healing, growth and show teens what it looks like to live as a disciple of Christ. Ozarks Teen Challenge knows the power that an authentic relationship with God holds and we watch it change lives every day.
Learn more about our discipleship and mentoring programs by browsing our website or call Ozarks Teen Challenge today.